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Daktronics National Alliance of Two-Year College
Athletic Administrators (NATYCAA) Cup Championship

The Daktronics NATYCAA Cup was created during the 2003-04 season to honor the state’s most outstanding two-year college athletics programs.  Mt. SAC Athletics has dominated this great honor, consistently finishing at the top of all California Community College Athletic Programs.  The Mt. SAC Athletics Program holds nearly every NATYCAA Cup Record including:

-  Most Championships - 13
-  Most Consecutive Titles - 11
-  Highest Point Total - 187.50
-  Most Top 3 Finishes - 20
-  Largest Point Differential Between First and Second Place - 27 points
7 Highest Point Totals
8 of the 10 Highest Point Totals


2023-2024 CHAMPIONS 183.5
2022-2023 CHAMPIONS 180.5
2021-2022 CHAMPIONS 180
2020-2021 NOT AWARDED N/A &
2019-2020  CHAMPIONS 114.00+
2018-2019  CHAMPIONS 162.00
2017-2018  CHAMPIONS 175.00
2016-2017  CHAMPIONS 166.00
2015-2016  CHAMPIONS 169.00
 2014-2015  CHAMPIONS 187.50*
2013-2014  CHAMPIONS 176.50
 2012-2013  CHAMPIONS 177.50
2011-2012  2nd Place 160.50
 2010-2011  CHAMPIONS 173.50
2009-2010  2nd Place 165.50
2008-2009  CHAMPIONS 168.50
2007-2008  4th Place 157.00
2006-2007  6th Place 128.00
2005-2006  2nd Place 154.00
 2004-2005  2nd Place 161.50
2003-2004  2nd Place 159.50

* Record Point Total
+ Due to the CoVid-19 shortened season, Mt. SAC was awarded the NATTYCA State Association Daktronic Cups Title, but the award was not recognized by the CCCAA (state level)
& Award not awarded due to CoVid-19 Pandemic 

To view current NATYCAA Standings, see past NATYCAA Cup Champions, or view the point system please click here.